Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Infinity Performance Solutions Online Nationally Recognised Qualifications now available

Infinity Performance Solutions Online Nationally Recognised Qualification
Training Solutions now available.


Infinity Performance Solutions is currently offering the following Nationally Recognised Training solutions via our online learning platform supported with monthly webinars for support:

BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management
BSB40507 Certificate IV in Business Administration
BSB40607 Certificate IV in Business Sales

These courses are supported with 8, 2 hour monthly webinars. Participants are able to complete training and assessment activities with the flexibility that online learning provides. A 2 hour webinar with an allocated trainer/assessor each month for 8 months provides participants support with training content and assessment activities that are integrated into the online elearning.

To simplify the process for you Infinity Performance Solutions will:

1. Assisting you to source funding through our preferred Apprenticeships centre

2. Organising your accredited training through our preferred RTOs

3. Support participants over the duration of the learning toward successful completion.

The employer benefits by:

1. Increased performance

2. Improved productivity

3. Higher profitability

4. More motivated staff

5. Improved staff retention

6. Becoming an employer of choice.

The accredited employee benefits by:

1. Nationally recognised qualification

2. Job satisfaction

3. Promotion prospects

4. Up-to-date skills.

Investment Options

IPS Certificate IV qualifications have a course fee of $3900. We have 2 payment options:

1. A single upfront payment which attracts a discount to a total of $3500, or,

2. An upfront enrolment fee of $500, then 8 x $425 payable prior to monthly attendance for each session, total investment $3900.

* All fees are non-refundable.

Note: For all eligible participants the Federal Government Funding of $4000 per eligible participant will cover in full the course cost over the duration of the training.

Next step:

Contact us to find out more, check out our website for more details (www.ipsgroup.com.au) or complete our Eligibility Assessment Form and return via fax or email.


You will be contacted within 3 days by an Infinity Performance Solutions representative with advice on your Eligibility Form and Federal Government Funding opportunities

Thank you for your participation, please return this questionnaire as soon as possible to secure your position as numbers are limited.

*Australian Apprenticeship Incentive Program Guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice.


Full details of each course can be found at www.ipsgroup.com.au.

Nationally Recognised Qualifications Webinar Commence Dates:

Cert IV in Frontline Management
12th August 2010

Cert IV in Business Administration
13th August 2010

Cert IV in Business Sales
16th August 2010


Venue confirmation based on final numbers and will be sent through upon course application after eligibility assessment

Webinar Timing: 10:00 am – 12:00pm on a monthly schedule supplied upon enrolment. Invitations to webinar are sent monthly.

ELearning Platform: Infinity Performance Solutions will send an invitation to enrol you into course, upon successful application. At this point you will be able to access all learning and assessment activities for your qualification.


Infinity Performance Solutions

Tony Pearson

Director / Corporate Consultant

Mobile: 0412 412 577

Tel: 02 9863 1536

Fax: 02 9896 0357

Web: http://www.ipsgroup.com.au

Email: tony@ipsgroup.com.au